Does the library have an online subscription to the Wall Street Journal?



You can access articles from the Wall Street Journal through our Proquest eLibrary database. It's linked in the Magazines & News section of our eResources page. We recommend you use the academic search interface. You'll need your Carlsbad City Library card number to access this database. Once you're in, click on 'Publications' just above the search box, and then you can use the alphabetical index or title search to find the Wall Street Journal issues.

There are several different editions; for the New York Eastern edition, the full-text coverage is Jan 2, 1984 - present. Once you choose an edition, you can browse articles by day, or search by keyword within that publication for specific articles. You should find all articles from the print edition, but stock price listings and advertisements are not included in this database.


Reference Librarian

  • Last Updated Dec 18, 2020
  • Views 55
  • Answered By Librarian

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